I remember the day I learned to be seen and not heard; the day I learned that “perfectionism” and “people-pleasing” meant safety. I was four. I also remember the day I sat down to write Clap Back (my new single now available - shameless plug).
I was not four.
Two very different days at the end of a very long spectrum: the former, an origin story of silence. The latter: an acknowledgement and the release of that same cycle. It takes the time it takes, I now realize.
Clap Back (now on YouTube Music) gives voice to those spaces. This song is an homage to the places where I have (in mind and mirror only) come in hot; mid-sentence and at a level 10. Why? Because sometimes the world has bullies and the shock of it all can stun you into silence. For me, it was basic survival and societal conditioning that encouraged me to give away my power and voice (a post for a different day and a song for another list).
In writing Clap Back (now available on Spotify), it felt great to confront the old narratives and dark spaces; to FEEL the holes where my words were meant to go. To put the proverbial pinky in the chest of injustice, core-limiting beliefs, and general dumb shit. I HATE dumb shit. Like DUMB, dumb shit - the stuff that burns brain cells for no other reason than being dumb. THAT kind of stupid…like carrot/raisin salad, “oversold flight” kinda dumb.
Anyway. I digress.
Clap Back is out now (available on iTunes and other places) and it’s a booty-shaking truth bomb of a good time. For me, it is a gift to tell this truth - all with a bit of a “nanny, nanny boo-boo” vibe (because my brand of petty is a mood, not a state of being).
Please like it, love it, share it - all the things. We rock it crunchy and independent over here, so every bit of your positive vibration helps.
Stay tuned for so much more and, most of all, thank you for sharing your time with me. I appreciate you!
❤️ - cloie
P.S. In case you haven’t heard, my new single, CLAP BACK, is now available wherever music is heard. 🤭